Tuesday 2 April 2013

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom Involved in Charity Scam?

Socialite and reality TV star Khloe Kardashian and her NBA star husband Lamar Odom are accused of running a charity scam.
According to an investigation by ESPN, eight charities connected with sports stars have allegedly misused the cash they rake in.
After his mother passed away from stomach cancer in 2004, Odom set up a charity to fund cancer research called Cathy’s Kids. But the ESPN investigation revealed that Cathy’s Kids hasn’t given a single penny to cancer research in the 9 years it has been in existence.
ESPN reports that Cathy’s Kids claims it has been “dormant for years,” despite the fact that ESPN found it is still actively fundraising.
Khloe and Lamar’s eBay store includes a reference to the Cathy’s Kids website. The ad’s text reads: “All auction items benefit Cathy’s Kids.”

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