Saturday, 15 September 2012

Anti American protest spreads all over Middle East and Northern Africa!!

I'm sure you've all heard about the movie that sparked this protest.  At least four Americans have been killed including the American Ambassador to Libya.  Unfortunately, because of the sensitive nature of this video, i will not be uploading it on this blog...

more details on the protests to follow shortly...

1 comment:

  1. The video is outright insulting, abusive, degrading and any-other-terrible-english-word-u-can-think-off towards the Islamic religion. However, i believe there are other peaceful ways to air their grievances instead of killing the Ambassador. Take a look at the video -

    I have a funny feeling Mitty-boy sponsored this to derail Barack's chances. (just another conspiracy theory :) )

    **sips jedi from champagne cup**


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