Thursday, 20 September 2012

Let somebody stand up for Justice - Evelyn Lozada needs to Apologize to Jennifer Williams

The Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson and Evelyn Lozada's 41-day union may now be officially over but the issues to be considered in this story are far from over.  Marriage is hard enough without having to deal with physical violence and so we empathize with Evelyn on the union going belly-up.

Pics by  Gary Miller/Getty

However, being the reality TV junkie that I am, I watched all of the episodes of Basketball Wives, and watched Evelyn  agree to and condone the physical assault of her castmate, Jennifer Williams, by Evelyn's assistant. 

And now, Evelyn is taking a stand against Domestic Violence. Well, she needs to take a stand against violence in its totality. Woman-to-woman physical assault is as bad as man-to-woman assault, and no one (and I repeat, no one) should have the right to physically lay their hands on any person and cackle about it over lunch (I am referring to Tami, Evelyn and Nia discussing the incident).

Evelyn, now that the divorce is out of the way, we are awaiting a public apology to Jennifer Williams for your role in her public humiliation. However, we wish you the best in the future and hope you recover from this nasty episode in your life.

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