Thursday, 20 September 2012

We're Just Saying Silence earns no RESPECT

What was the rationale for President Obama saying "Beyonce Could Not Be a Better Role Model for My Girls"

Really?, how could Beyonce earn the title of "Role Model" , she hasn't voiced an opinion about any political, moral, or world issue. Come on, since when did staying silent become the stance of a "role model"? 

Harry Belafonte was on to something when he made the point of stating that Harry Belafonte said the "couple don't do enough for minorities in Hollywood", they do tread the line of indifference to their roots.

I mean I love the girl's music and all but throwing a political fundraiser might be the way to winning the President's heart, not the heart of the masses. I would love to be a fly on the wall to hear Beyonce discuss what aspects of Obama's campaign she loves, I mean, really dissect the propaganda.

She needs to begin to wade in on world matters, then and only then, will she become a true "role model". Stand up for something.

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